PC Critic Calls Ontario Hydro Prices Debt Retirement on Steroids
Home E Battery Storage E PC Critic Calls Ontario Hydro Prices Debt Retirement on Steroids

The Canadian Press:

A Progressive Conservative critic says the “Clean Energy Adjustment” that’s eventually to be added to hydro bills is nothing more than a revamped debt retirement charge. New legislation introduced by the Liberal government will mean lower hydro bills for Ontarians for the next 10 years, followed by higher costs for the next 20 after that.

The Fair Hydro Act that was introduced by Wynne’s government has promised to lower electricity bills by 25%. This is for RPP (Regulated Price Plan customers ONLY). RPP customers are any customer residential or business using less than 250,000 kWh a year (so basically small volume businesses/ meters and consumers). Large volume customers over 250,000 kWh a year do not get any break on hydro costs. Other RPP customers include Long Term Care facilities and Property Management/ Residential Property Owners. For customers using over 1,000,000 kWh a year in these verticals we recommend looking at our Price Optimization Program AND Conservation Voltage Reduction which offers savings up to 8% off of the entire bill.

For larger volume industrial customers we recommend battery storage to elimiate the Global Adjustment with net savings of $200k per MW per year (based on the current GA) which is projected to rise through to 2028 between 6.5 and 10.5 per cent per year. The Global Adjustment represents 70% of the entire electricity bill which is imbedded in the RPP rates but a clear line item on the large volume customer invoice.

For more on this click the news report below:
