by Catherine Bryenton | Oct 17, 2022 | LNG, Natural Gas
Most of what will drive up the cost of home energy this winter is the rising price of natural gas, which generates 8.5 per cent of Canada’s electricity.... by Catherine Bryenton | Sep 22, 2022 | LNG, Natural Gas
If air-conditioning your home felt expensive this summer, get ready, because turning up the heat may cost even more this winter. The rising utility bills are being driven by the surge in the price of natural gas, which generates about 40% of the United States’... by Catherine Bryenton | Aug 22, 2022 | LNG, Natural Gas
BERLIN, Aug 18 (Reuters) – Germany is likely to miss a November target for gas storage levels set by the government to avoid an energy crisis, the head of the Bundesnetzagentur energy regulator told German media outlet t-online on Thursday, warning... by Catherine Bryenton | Aug 22, 2022 | Hydrogen, LNG, Natural Gas
Australia’s second-richest person does not wait long to begin proselytizing, after taking his seat for an interview on a New York patio. “We’re commercializing the beginning of the end of global warming,” he proclaims. Andrew Forrest, mining baron turned green... by Catherine Bryenton | Aug 22, 2022 | Hydrogen, LNG, Natural Gas (Bloomberg) — Germany’s push to find alternative sources of gas and end its dependence on Russia has yielded limited success and there is no short-term relief in sight ahead of... by Catherine Bryenton | Aug 16, 2022 | Hydrogen, LNG, Natural Gas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will sign an agreement to jointly explore the production of hydrogen fuel in Canada...