Case Study – Battery Storage – Food products manufacturer with .8 MW solution saves $1,387,849 (33.1%)

Market available: Ontario In Ontario, there is no better opportunity to lower your electricity costs than battery storage with behind-the-meter service. Net savings are typically 200k per MW/ Per year. Case Study – A food manufacturer who is a recent Class A customer...

Case Study – Battery Storage 2 MW – Cold Storage using 15,393,362 kWh a year – net savings $4,192,303 (40.1%)

Market available: Ontario In Ontario, there is no better opportunity to lower your electricity costs than battery storage with behind-the-meter service. Net savings are typically 200k per MW/ Per year. Case Study – A cold storage and logistics company using...

Case Study – Battery Storage 1.2 MW – Automotive parts manufacturer using 8,001,239 kWh a year savings $2,249,891 (36%)

Market available: Ontario In Ontario, there is no better opportunity to lower your electricity costs than battery storage with behind-the-meter service. Net savings are typically 200k per MW/ Per year. Case Study – An International automotive parts manufacturer using...

Case Study – Battery Storage 15.35 MW – Industrial Products Manufacturer using 165,830,853 kWh a year, savings 28,669229 (36.5%) net

Market available:  Ontario In Ontario, there is no better opportunity to lower your electricity costs than battery storage with behind-the-meter service. Net savings are typically 200k per MW/ Per year. Case Study – An International automotive parts manufacturer using...

Case Study – Battery Storage .75 MW – Ag products manf. using 6,241,828 kWh a year savings $1,691,413 net (29.3%)

Market available:  Ontario In Ontario, there is no better opportunity to lower your electricity costs than battery storage with behind-the-meter service. Net savings are typically 200k per MW/ Per year. Case Study – An agricultural products manufacturer using...

Case Study – Battery Storage 2.8 MW- Automotive Parts Manufacturer 17,790,204 kWh per year net est. savings $4,514,788

Market Available: Ontario In Ontario, there is no better opportunity to lower your electricity costs than battery storage with behind-the-meter service. Net savings are typically 200k per MW/ Per year. Case Study – Battery Storage 1 automotive parts...